float NFUEL_CAT(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; NFUEL_CAT:description = "fuel data" ; float ZSF(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; ZSF:description = "height of surface above sea level" ; float DZDXF(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; DZDXF:description = "surface gradient x" ; float DZDYF(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; DZDYF:description = "surface gradient y" ; float FIRE_HFX(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FIRE_HFX:description = "observed fire heat flux" ; float NDWI(Time, south_north, west_east) ; NDWI:description = "Normalized Difference Water Index" ; float NDVI(Time, south_north, west_east) ; NDVI:description = "Normalized Difference Vegetation Index" ; float RTHFRTEN(Time, bottom_top_stag, south_north, west_east) ; RTHFRTEN:description = "temperature tendency" ; float RQVFRTEN(Time, bottom_top_stag, south_north, west_east) ; RQVFRTEN:description = "humidity tendency" ; float AVG_FUEL_FRAC(Time, south_north, west_east) ; AVG_FUEL_FRAC:description = "fuel remaining averaged to atmospheric grid" ; float GRNHFX(Time, south_north, west_east) ; GRNHFX:description = "heat flux from ground fire" ; float GRNQFX(Time, south_north, west_east) ; GRNQFX:description = "moisture flux from ground fire" ; float CANHFX(Time, south_north, west_east) ; CANHFX:description = "heat flux from crown fire" ; float CANQFX(Time, south_north, west_east) ; CANQFX:description = "moisture flux from crown fire" ; float UAH(Time, south_north, west_east_stag) ; UAH:description = "wind at fire_wind_height" ; float VAH(Time, south_north_stag, west_east) ; VAH:description = "wind at fire_wind_height" ; float TIGN_G(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; TIGN_G:description = "ignition time on ground" ; float TIGN_IN(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; TIGN_IN:description = "minimal ignition time on ground" ; float LFN(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; LFN:description = "level function" ; float FUEL_FRAC(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FUEL_FRAC:description = "fuel remaining" ; float FMC_G(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FMC_G:description = "fuel moisture contents" ; float FIRE_AREA(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FIRE_AREA:description = "fraction of cell area on fire" ; float FUEL_FRAC_BURNT(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FUEL_FRAC_BURNT:description = "fraction of fuel burnt in timestep" ; float UF(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; UF:description = "fire wind" ; float VF(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; VF:description = "fire wind" ; float FGRNHFX(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FGRNHFX:description = "heat flux from ground fire" ; float FGRNQFX(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FGRNQFX:description = "moisture flux from ground fire" ; float FCANHFX(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FCANHFX:description = "heat flux from crown fire" ; float FCANQFX(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FCANQFX:description = "moisture flux from crown fire" ; float FNDWI(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FNDWI:description = "Normalized Difference Water Index on fire grid" ; float FMC_GC(Time, fuel_moisture_classes_stag, south_north, west_east) ; FMC_GC:description = "fuel moisture contents by class" ; float FMEP(Time, fuel_moisture_extended_paramete, south_north, west_east) ; FMEP:description = "fuel moisture extended model parameters" ; float FMC_EQUI(Time, fuel_moisture_classes_stag, south_north, west_east) ; FMC_EQUI:description = "fuel moisture contents by class equilibrium (diagnostics only)" ; float FMC_TEND(Time, fuel_moisture_classes_stag, south_north, west_east) ; FMC_TEND:description = "fuel moisture contents by class time lag (diagnostics only)" ; float RAIN_OLD(Time, south_north, west_east) ; RAIN_OLD:description = "previous value of accumulated rain" ; float T2_OLD(Time, south_north, west_east) ; T2_OLD:description = "previous value of air temperature at 2m" ; float Q2_OLD(Time, south_north, west_east) ; Q2_OLD:description = "previous value of 2m specific humidity" ; float PSFC_OLD(Time, south_north, west_east) ; PSFC_OLD:description = "previous value of surface pressure" ; float RH_FIRE(Time, south_north, west_east) ; RH_FIRE:description = "relative humidity at the surface" ; float FMOIST_LASTTIME(Time) ; FMOIST_LASTTIME:description = "last time the moisture model was run" ; float FMOIST_NEXTTIME(Time) ; FMOIST_NEXTTIME:description = "next time the moisture model will run" ; float ROS(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; ROS:description = "rate of spread in the normal direction to the fireline" ; float FLINEINT(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FLINEINT:description = "fireline intensity" ; float FLINEINT2(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FLINEINT2:description = "alternative fireline intensity" ; float F_ROS0(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_ROS0:description = "base rate of spread in all directions" ; float F_ROSX(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_ROSX:description = "X component of the spread vector driven by wind and slope" ; float F_ROSY(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_ROSY:description = "Y component of the spread vector driven by wind and slope" ; float F_ROS(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_ROS:description = "max spread rate in any direction" ; float F_INT(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_INT:description = "fire reaction intensity for risk rating, without fire" ; float F_LINEINT(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_LINEINT:description = "Byram fireline intensity for risk rating, without fire" ; float F_LINEINT2(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_LINEINT2:description = "alternative fireline intensity for risk rating, without fire" ; float F_ROS11(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_ROS11:description = "rate of spread in the direction to node (i-2)+1,(j-2)+1" ; float F_ROS12(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_ROS12:description = "rate of spread in the direction to node (i-2)+1,(j-2)+2" ; float F_ROS13(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_ROS13:description = "rate of spread in the direction to node (i-2)+1,(j-2)+3" ; float F_ROS21(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_ROS21:description = "rate of spread in the direction to node (i-2)+2,(j-2)+1" ; float F_ROS23(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_ROS23:description = "rate of spread in the direction to node (i-2)+2,(j-2)+3" ; float F_ROS31(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_ROS31:description = "rate of spread in the direction to node (i-2)+3,(j-2)+1" ; float F_ROS32(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_ROS32:description = "rate of spread in the direction to node (i-2)+3,(j-2)+2" ; float F_ROS33(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; F_ROS33:description = "rate of spread in the direction to node (i-2)+3,(j-2)+3" ; float FXLONG(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FXLONG:description = "longitude of midpoints of fire cells, or grid coordinate in ideal" ; float FXLAT(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FXLAT:description = "latitude of midpoints of fire cells, or grid coordinate in ideal" ; float UNIT_FXLONG(Time) ; UNIT_FXLONG:description = "length of 1 unit in fxlong" ; float UNIT_FXLAT(Time) ; UNIT_FXLAT:description = "length of 1 unit in fxlat" ; float FUEL_TIME(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FUEL_TIME:description = "fuel" ; float BBB(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; BBB:description = "fuel" ; float PHISC(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; PHISC:description = "fuel" ; float PHIWC(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; PHIWC:description = "fuel" ; float R_0(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; R_0:description = "fuel" ; float FGIP(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FGIP:description = "fuel" ; float FZ0(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FZ0:description = "fuel roughness height" ; float FWH(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; FWH:description = "fuel fire wind height" ; float ISCHAP(Time, south_north_subgrid, west_east_subgrid) ; ISCHAP:description = "fuel" ; int SEED1(Time) ; SEED1:description = "RANDOM SEED NUMBER 1" ; int SEED2(Time) ; SEED2:description = "RANDOM SEED NUMBER 2" ; float LANDMASK(Time, south_north, west_east) ; LANDMASK:description = "LAND MASK (1 FOR LAND, 0 FOR WATER)" ; float SST(Time, south_north, west_east) ; SST:description = "SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE" ;